Nicco’s Online Leak Sealing Team at a Hazardous Steam Leakage from Valve Gland of Hot Water Drain Line in a Power Plant in India
A hazardous steam leak occurred in the valve gland of hot water drain line at a prominent power plant in India. The leak was located at the valve gland, operating at an elevated pressure of 200 bar and a scorching temperature of 360 degrees centigrade. The severity of the leak posed a significant safety risk and potential operational disruption for the power plant. To address the issue promptly and effectively, Nicco’s Online Leak Sealing Team was called in to provide a solution that ensured safety, minimized downtime, and prevented any further damage.
1. Challenges:
Handling a steam leak of this magnitude in a high-pressure, high-temperature environment required a systematic approach to mitigate risks and safeguard the personnel involved. The key challenges faced by the team included:
Safety Concerns: Dealing with steam leaks at such extreme conditions demanded utmost caution to protect the technicians and the plant equipment.
Operational Continuity: The power plant’s uninterrupted operation was vital, necessitating a solution that allowed repair without shutting down the entire system.
Leak Mitigation: The primary objective was to seal the leak effectively, preventing any further release of steam and avoiding any potential hazards or adverse impacts on the plant’s operation.
2. The Solution:
Nicco’s Online Leak Sealing Team, well-equipped with skilled technicians and advanced tools, arrived at the power plant to address the critical situation. The carefully planned solution involved the following steps:
Risk Assessment and Safety Measures: Before proceeding with any repair work, the team conducted a thorough risk assessment. Proper safety protocols, including personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety guidelines, were followed to ensure the well-being of the technicians.
Online Leak Sealing Process: The video footage captured at the site showed the steam leak emanating from the valve gland. The team decided to utilize a specialized sealant, NES-7A, for sealing the leak effectively. The sealant was chosen for its capability to withstand high pressures and temperatures.
Injection of Sealant: Nicco’s technicians employed a controlled injection technique to deliver the sealant through the valve gland directly into the leak path. The sealant quickly filled the voids and cracks, forming a reliable seal, and stopping any further steam leakage.
Ongoing Safety and Monitoring: Throughout the sealing process, the team continued to monitor the pressure and temperature conditions closely. Regular inspections and safety checks were conducted to ensure no additional leaks or risks arose during the operation.
3. The Outcome:
Nicco’s Online Leak Sealing Team successfully arrested the hazardous steam leak at the hot water drain line valve gland. The prompt and efficient response prevented further steam loss, minimized operational downtime, and ensured the power plant’s continuous functioning. The timely intervention and skillful application of the sealant, NES-7A, safeguarded the personnel and equipment from potential harm.
4. Follow-up Inspection:
To validate the effectiveness of the leak sealing operation, Nicco’s service engineer revisited the power plant after one month. The inspection confirmed that the sealant had maintained its integrity, and there were no signs of leakage during the interim period. The team also rechecked all safety measures and ensured that the repaired section was functioning optimally.